- 2023—Present :: Principal Enterprise Architect :: T-Systems International
- 1993—Present :: IT technical author and conference speaker as a side job
- 2022 :: Director Enterprise Architecture :: sonnen
- 2019—2022 :: Team Lead and Senior Software Engineer :: Kubermatic
- 2017—2018 :: Senior Software Engineer :: Status Research & Development
- 2016—2017 :: Software Architect and Senior Software Engineer :: AKKA
- 2011—2015 :: Senior Software Engineer :: Canonical
- 2006—2011 :: Team Lead and Consultant :: BTC
- 2003—2006 :: Technical Project Manager and System Specialist :: Thales Defence
- 2001—2003 :: Development Director :: OpenKnowledge
- 2000—2001 :: Vice President Software Development :: CANBOX
- 1999—2000 :: Development Director :: RedDot
- 1997—1999 :: System Specialist Unix :: Nordwest-Zeitung
- 1991—1997 :: System Specialist :: R+V Versicherung
- 1987—2000 :: Computer Science & Business Administration :: FernUniversität Hagen
Qualifications and Certificates
- 2008 :: SEI Software Architecture Professional Certificate
- 2008 :: CMU SEI - Software Architecture Principles and Practices
- 2008 :: CMU SEI - Software Architecture Design and Analysis
- 2008 :: CMU SEI - Documenting Software Architecture
- 2008 :: CMU SEI - Software Product Lines
- 2008 :: CMU - Introduction to the CMMI Version 1.2
- 2007 :: DIA - Agile Methoden für die Entwicklung von Qualitätssoftware (Agile Methods for the Development of Quality Software)
- 2007 :: DIA - Management von Wartungsprojekten (Management of Maintenance Projects)
- 2007 :: DIA - Erfolgreiche Prozessverbesserung mit CMMI & Co. (Successful Improvement of Processes with CMMI & Co.)
- 2004 :: Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering
- 2002 :: Institut für angewandte Sozialpsychologie - Basisseminar für Führungskräfte (Basic Seminar for Leaders)
- 2000 :: hso - Führen ohne hierarchische Macht (Leading without hierarchical Power)
- 2000 :: Java 1.2 Programmer
- 2000 :: Linux Administrator
- 2000 :: Object-Oriented Developer
- 2000 :: Web Programmer
- 1999 :: Sun Enterprise HA 2.x Cluster Administration
- 1999 :: Sun Enterprise HA 2.x Cluster Installation
- 1998 :: XYLAN Netzwerkmanagement mit OmniVision (Network Management with OmniVision)
- 1998 :: XYLAN Switch Operations
- 1997 :: Solaris 2.x Advanced Admin / DiskSuite
- 1997 :: Solaris 2.x Administration 1 Administration 2 -
- 1997 :: Sybase - Fast Track to Sybase SQL Server
- 1997 :: Sybase - SQL Server Administration