A warm welcome
Hello and a warm welcom to my new blog about me, Frank ‘The Mue’ Müller, and my life. I’m living in beautiful Oldenburg in the north-west of Germany and working in IT. If you are interested in my professional work, please visit my The Mue - Embrace Change, Shape the Future.
What to expect
As it is a personal blog, I will write about my life, my interests, and the world around me. I’m looking forward to sharing my thoughts with you.These are about technology, books, music, and much more. And surely I once again, like I did in the past, will write about my passion for wonderful Single Malt Whiskies.
Something I’ve not yet publish is politics. The world around us is changing rapidly and I’m thinking about sharing my thoughts about it. My personal focus is on Europe and Germany, but I’m also interested in the world as a whole. And my own preferences are ecological and social.But I also realize how my earlier attitude of 20 years ago is changing today in the face of current events.
But there is another new field. It is philosophy. I realized some time ago that some of the thoughts and questions that I deal with are reflected in philosophy. I will note this journey here, what I discover for myself and also what questions are still open for me. In addition, there are my thoughts on the tendering philosophy.
Last but not least, something new. From my work as a technical author, you know that I have a penchant for writing. This blog also gives a hint to this. But my previous writing on technical topics is relatively simple, usually clearly structured and factual. However, a desire that has been building up in me for some time concerns a different side. It is fiction and I am considering short stories and maybe even a novel. Of course I will not reach the status of a great writer. But let’s see what comes out of this. At the time of this writing, I already have a first framework for a short story. So, keep your fingers crossed for me.
A few words about the content in general
I will try to describe my topics here objectively, as is also common in my articles in the specialist literature. Wherever possible, I will also provide references. My language here will always be English, even though I am German and live in Germany. This way, I am trying to reach a larger audience. Entries with a specific reference to a nation, to a region or simply to the world as a whole will be tagged accordingly.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog.